Maple Mountain Homestead 2022 Review

Welcome to Maple Mountain Homestead, where the air is fresh, the soil is rich, and the adventures never end! Our homesteading year has been filled with new challenges and experiences, from tapping maple trees for syrup to planting a small vineyard of 60 grapes. Here's a glimpse of what we've been up to.

In the early spring, we tapped our maple trees to collect sap for making delicious maple syrup as well as started our seeds for the year. We also welcomed a new batch of baby chicks to our flock, which always brings smiles to our faces.

As the weather warmed up, we started planting new rows of asparagus and strawberries, as well as chamomile and yarrow for tea and medicine. We also installed a small vineyard of 60 grapes, which we hope will produce some delicious wine in the years to come.

One of our biggest challenges this year was fighting off the gypsy moth infestation that threatened our fruit trees and crops. It was a battle, but we managed to keep the damage to a minimum with the help of some natural pest control methods. This coming year we will try to be on the lookout for them earlier so it won’t be as overwhelming.

We also attended some fun events to promote our farm and medicinal products such as Red Clover and Lemon Balm teas, Seaberry Oxymel, All Purpose Salves and Plum Jam.

Another big project we tackled this year was installing new flooring in the basement, which will allow us to offer farm stays in the future. We're excited to share our homesteading lifestyle with others and teach them the skills they need to grow their own food and medicine.

Speaking of teaching, in 2022 we launched our very first Homestead CSA Share, which provided monthly access to seasonal produce and homesteading workshops. Members learned how to establish a new no-till garden, plant a 3 Sisters Garden, grow and harvest herbal tea, make herbal medicine, maintain a food forest, and more, while picking up their share of eggs, asparagus, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, apples, plums, pears, and herbs like chamomile, calendula, lemon balm, and yarrow.

Homestead Learning Day #1 - Establishing a No till 3 sisters garden

Homestead Learning Day #2 - Planting Lavender

Homestead Learning Day #3 - Harvesting, drying and processing medicinal herbs

Homestead Learning Day #4 - Harvested and processed seaberries into delicious Seaberry Oxymel and an All purpose salve for dry skin, chapped lips, bug bites and stings, rashes and burns, sunburn, and small cuts and scrapes. Available now at our maple mountain homestead online store!

Final homestead Learning Day - fresh Cider and Apple Cider Vinegar

Many other homesteading activities in 2022

What an eventful year! In 2023 we plan to run year two of our Homestead CSA Share as well as build a beautiful Geodome so more people can experience off-grid living and homestead life! If you’re curious about becoming more self sufficient, please complete the following Maple Mountain Homestead Share Membership Agreement Form by April 1st 2023 to sign up. We're excited to share our homesteading journey with you and hope to see you at one of our Homestead Learning Days soon!

Stephanie Romero