Maple Mountain Homestead 2023: A Year of Growth and Resilience

Sunset over the 3 sisters garden

As we reflect on the past year at Maple Mountain Homestead, 2023 was a journey filled with both challenges and triumphs. Let's delve into the ups and downs that shaped our homesteading experience.

The Downs: Facing Nature's Tests

Undoubtedly, nature threw some curveballs our way. Our pipes to our well burst early spring, but luckily we were able to excavate and repair it with the help of a friend. A late frost proved to be a formidable adversary, leading to the loss of our plums for the season. Grapes, mint, and lemon balm faced a setback, stunted by the unpredictable weather. Moreover, the season brought an abundance of rain, creating a wet and challenging environment. However, our homestead, nestled at a slightly higher elevation, was spared from the record-breaking flooding that affected our fellow Vermonters. Our hearts go out to those who faced the hardships of the summer and recent winter flooding.

Adding to the challenges, our journey took an unexpected turn when José, a vital part of Maple Mountain Homestead, tore his Achilles. The road to recovery required surgery and has been a five-month-long process, with more healing time ahead.

Despite the challenges, our community rallied around us, offering support in weeding, harvesting, and garden cleanup. This solidarity allowed us to overcome obstacles and even complete the construction of Cassiopeia's Hideaway, our geodome for farmstays. A true testament to the strength of community bonds.

Community Strength: A Heartfelt Thanks

In the face of adversity, the unwavering support from our community became the beacon that guided us through the challenges of the past year. To our friends, neighbors, and fellow homesteaders who lent helping hands during the season, stood by us through José's injury, and contributed to the completion of Cassiopeia's Hideaway, we extend our deepest gratitude. Your kindness, resilience, and willingness to share in both the burdens and joys of our homesteading journey have been the pillars of Maple Mountain Homestead. In the true spirit of community, you've shown us that, together, we can weather any storm and turn challenges into triumphs. As we look ahead to the coming year, we carry with us not only the lessons learned from the land but also the immeasurable value of a supportive and caring community. Thank you for being the heart of Maple Mountain Homestead.

The Ups: Flourishing Despite Challenges

Even though we lost our plums this year, our lavender, 3 sisters garden, blueberries, seaberries, apples, and pears thrived, turning challenges into opportunities for growth. We had new products such as our chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm tea (Serenitea), lavender sachets, as well as combined our All Purpose Salve and Yarrow Powder into a gift box called Nature’s First Aid Kit. This is a one stop shop for deep cuts, scrapes, bug bites, burns and dry skin. When José deeply cut his finger chopping firewood, the yarrow powder worked wonders, stopping the bleeding in under a minute and healing the deep cut in a few days. We also have a delicious Seaberry Oxymel that’s high in Vitamin C made to order, perfect for cold and flu season to boost your immune system.

Participating in Milton's Farmers Market, the winter Northwest Farmer's Market, and the successful Arrowhead Crafts and Drafts event showcased our commitment to sharing our products with the community.

As always, our Cider Day was a ton of fun. Nothing beats the taste of freshly pressed cider and our cool bladder press makes it super easy.

One of the highlights was the completion of Cassiopeia's Hideaway, a project that seemed ambitious for the year. To celebrate this accomplishment and express our gratitude to our supporters, we had an awesome Geodome Party!

2024 Maple Mountain Homestead Share & Raffle for Free Night Stay in Geodome!

In these uncertain times of pandemics, supply chain disruptions, food shortages, and inflation, there's never been a more crucial moment to take control of your food sources. Be among the first 10 individuals to purchase a Maple Mountain Homestead Share for the 2024 season, and you'll automatically enter our exclusive raffle for a chance to win a free night stay in the enchanting Geodome, Cassiopeia's Hideaway. This unique opportunity grants you monthly access from May to October, allowing you to experience the joys of the season and learn essential skills like establishing a no-till garden, planting a 3 Sisters Garden, crafting herbal teas, making salves and yarrow powder, managing a food forest, dehydrating herbs, and indulging in cider making. Possible homestead products include eggs, asparagus, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, seaberries, apples, plums, pears, tomatoes, squash, corn, and a variety of herbs. Seize this opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of homesteading life and secure your share today. Act now and purchase before February 1st, 2024, to not only secure your spot but also enter the draw for a magical night in our off-grid Geodome – an experience that combines glamping with sustainable living!

As we navigate the complexities of homesteading, 2023 has taught us the value of resilience, community, and the boundless potential for growth even in the face of setbacks. We look forward to the adventures that the coming year holds and appreciate the unwavering support from our community and fellow homesteaders. Cheers to a bountiful and resilient 2024!